Knowledge, like velcro,
sticks best to other related knowledge.
- Natalie Wexler
At St Mary’s School, inquiry learning focuses on knowledge building. Our leaders and educators draw on the science of learning and knowledge building research, particularly the work of Rosenshine's Principles as well as Yana Weinstein, Judith C Hochman and Natalie Wexler.
Inquiry learning is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum, developing competencies across the Humanities, Science and Capabilities.
The Humanities:
Civics and Citizenship
Economics and Business
Earth and Space
The Capabilities:
Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal and Social
Units of work are guided by an essential question that enables students to discover our world, investigate interconnections with the environment and expand curiosity to ask questions about the changing place in which they live.
Strategies used to build student growth in the Humanities, Science and the Capabilities include:
Sequential learning, to build knowledge from Foundation to Year 6
Assessment, to monitor student achievement
The use of literature (fiction and non-fiction), to build comprehension skills
The use of the Writing Revolution - the Hochman Method, to embed content knowledge of science and the humanities within the writing process
Essential questions and guiding questions, to spark student curiosity and scaffold student learning